
Historical content

Historical Research History is a branch of learning that studies the record of past events. History means an inquiry into the past to establish what has actually happened .the historian is influenced by some philosophy operating implicitly or explicitly in his interpretation. Here save under, We discuss the concept and methodology of historical research Conceptual Analysis History is a meaningful record of human achievement. It is not merely a list of chronological events but a truthful integrated account of the relationship between persons, events, times and .places .history   is used to understand the past and to try to understand the Present in the light of past events and development.   History is also used to prevent reinventing the wheel every few years. The historical analysis may be directed toward an individual an idea, a movement or an institution. However, none of these objects of historical observation can be considered in isolation. People cannot be subjected to

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               Historical Research   History is a branch of learning that studies the record of past events. History means an inquiry into the past to establish what has actually happened .the historian is influenced by some philosophy operating implicitly or explicitly in his interpretation. Here save under, We discuss the concept and methodology of historical research                CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS History is a meaningful record of human achievement. It is not merely a list of chronological    events but a truthful integrated account of the relationship between persons, events, times and .places .history    is used to understand the past and to try to understand the Present in the light of past events and developmemy.    History is also used to prevent reinventing the wheel every few years.              Historical analysis may be directed toward    an    individual an    idea, a movement    or an institution. However none of these objects of historical observation can


               Historical Research   History is a branch of learning that studies the record of past events. History means an inquiry into the past to establish what has actually happened .the historian is influenced by some philosophy operating implicitly or explicitly in his interpretation. Here save under, We discuss the concept and methodology of historical research                CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS History is a meaningful record of human achievement. It is not merely a list of chronological    events but a truthful an integrated account of the relationship between persons, events, times and .places .history    is used to understanding the past and to try to understand the Present in the light of past events and developments.    History is also used to prevent reinventing the wheel every few years.              The historical  analysis may be directed toward an   individual an idea, a movement or an institution. However, none of these objects of historical observation c