Historical Research 
History is a branch of learning that studies the record of past events. History means an inquiry into the past to establish what has actually happened .the historian is influenced by some philosophy operating implicitly or explicitly in his interpretation. Here save under, We discuss the concept and methodology of historical research
History is a meaningful record of human achievement. It is not merely a list of chronological   events but a truthful integrated account of the relationship between persons, events, times and .places .history   is used to understand the past and to try to understand the Present in the light of past events and developmemy.   History is also used to prevent reinventing the wheel every few years.
             Historical analysis may be directed toward   an   individual an   idea, a movement   or an institution. However none of these objects of historical observation can be considered in isolation. People cannot be subjected to historical investigation without some consideration of their interaction with the ideas, movements and or institutions of their times.   The focus merely determines the points of emphasis toward which historians direct there at Attention. it illustrates several  historical  interrelationship taken from the history of education. For example, no matter whether the historian choose to study the Jesuisociety,  religious teaching orders,  the counter reformation Or location of Loyola each of the other  elements  appears as a prominent  influence  or result and as an indispensable  part of the  account  . The interrelationship of this institution, movement, and man makes the study of one in isolation from the others meaningless, if not impossible.
Historical research is very different from the research conducted by most of the behavioural scientists.   Historical research refers to the application of scientific method to the description and analysis of pass events. in fact history the meaningful record of past human achievemts  deeds and misdeeds  helps us understand the persent and  to some extent predict the future course of events.
It should not be through that history is merely a list of chronological events rather it is supposed to be a factual integrated account   of the relationship between Persons time and events. Historical analysis can be towards an individual an idea a movement or an institution. But none of these objects of historical observation treated in isolation because of the intense interrelationship among institutions movements and man    Historical research becomes necessary not only knowing the past but also for understanding the present and predicting the future in that context
The relevance of historical data for social research is   great   in the following three types of situations
1) When   they are presented as a complex phenomenon of social Forces Or social dynamics.
2) When social phenomena re reflect complex social processes in a meaningful Way
3) When various dimensions or inrrelationships such as psychological, economic, educational, religious and political make significant contribution towards a unified Complex pattern
History in any field of enquiry is an integrated narrative of past events representing a critical search for the whole truth. Historical approach to the study of any subject denotes an effort to recount some aspects of past life. The Possible field for historical research is as broad as life itself.  The use of historical sources and techniques in the field of education has been adopted from the universal application of the historical approach in the study of problem from scientific or social fields.
                         History is a reliable and meaningful record of the past of the human race considered in its wider and more general aspect.  That humanity is peculiarly   privileged to posses and maintain such a record and has need to do so is naturally to be considered next.

Historical research which is concerned with the past and which
Attempts to trace the past as a means of seeing the present in
Historical research can be classi fied according to:
1-Approach: The pragmatic approach used by Karl Marx to
Arrange the facts of history to support his concept of
2-Subject: The bibliography of a given person: monography
of a town, state, nation or civilisation or slightly higher
Level of the history of ideas, institutions or trends
3-Technique: It is based either on documents or relics.
Another way of Classification research is of two types:
(a) Classical studies in historical research.
(b) Documentary research-It excludes remains as source and


                          Some Difference between Historical Research and Field Study

Historical Method                                                   

Field study


Often archival data, written records
and historical artifacts
Unit of analysis no restricted by the
Often entirely Archival         Materials
Written.  Records,and Artifacts

Tends to rely on observation and field notes.
Relatively narrow set of unit of analysis.Traditonally focus is a social  group
Often data collected in contemporary real word setting

Philosophy and

Relatively open in terms of
applicable research Paradigms and

Relatively narrow Philosophy and  approaches
Interpretivism and constractivism relatively recent additions

  • (“Historical research—Clinfowiki,” n.d.)
  • (“WHAT IS HISTORICAL RESEARCH? • The systematic collection of data to describe, explain and thereby understand actions or events that occured sometimes in the past. • No manipulation or control of variables—Differ with experimental research. • Focuses primarily on the PAST. - Google Search,” n.d.)
  • (“Historical research enables you to explore and explain the meanings, phases and characteristics of a phenomenon or process at a particular point of time in the past. We differentiate historical research as a research strategy from the research ofhistory, which refers to research in the discipline of history. - Google Search,” n.d.)
  • (“WHAT IS HISTORICAL RESEARCH? • The systematic collection of data to describe, explain and thereby understand actions or events that occured sometimes in the past. • No manipulation or control of variables—Differ with experimental research. • Focuses primarily on the PAST. - Google Search,” n.d.)


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